Oct 29, 2010

Charles Cameron

The Empty Quarter


I shall have to admit that the way wind dances
across the surface of a pond or lake, the shimmer
and ripple of it, could be a form of writing –
of music, of painting too -- have I noticed
there's more than one way the surface of water
reflects? Wind has as much skittering practice
as any brush and paints as fair a picture -- a wind
and water way of writing. Why, then -- when

your needle draws blood through the tapestry
of life, is this not in the same calligraphy? Where
fire flames out, is it not cursive in the same
tongue? There is a piercing within every trace
of paint: all beauty bleeds, all flesh is afire
as the devouring signature of all turns all to ashes.

The Weave

The way a maple tree in full leaf
like a ship under full sail fingers the sky,
the way sky gloves the maple,
as wind, holy, fills the sails: one
breath, one hand, the one calligraphy.

The Empty Quarter
Rub' al Khali

Supposing an elevator doesn't function:
perhaps you can take the stairs,
you're a minute late, he's slightly
miffed, you kiss and make up, the
taxi horn blares downstairs at the same
moment it would have, he
picks up his keys, you reach
the restaurant just as if the elevator had
been working, but elsewhere a shooting
star fails to fall, there's a slight
shift in the wind, the dunes configure
themselves differently in
the Empty Quarter, the signs
of God read differently, it's a new world... .

Copyright@2010 by Charles Cameron


Charles Hipbone Cameron passion includes designing playable variants on Hermann Hesse's Glass Bead Game, and talking about why mythological logic has important contributions to make in a slew of areas ranging from dream interpretation to conflict resolution. He worked during the millennial rollover as Senior Analyst at The Arlington Institute, a beltway think tank in Virginia, on the social impact of large and surprising changes, and was a Principal Researcher with the Center for Millennial Studies at Boston University.  Right at the moment, he is focusing on the Middle East and developing a tool for conflict analysis -- and hopefully, eventually, resolution!Charles is a frequent contributor to think tank blogs.

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