Oct 29, 2010

Yossi Lopez-Hineynu

Heart Will Free

The man sits there, on earth
at the gate, terra cotta skin
deep eyes half open, half closed
you'd swear he sleepeth

wrapped autumnal-coloured
sandals on feet
watching nothing, seeing all

he as old as the hills
young as morning dew
moves not, blinks barely
pine green knit cap covers his head

he comes from nowhere
going no place
yet Time stands still
in his presence

his lunar solemnity embraces
yet, not too close
as solarized passion seethes
from every pore

he raises earthen hand
not old not young, old
Wisdom beckoning
any who'd dare approach

stallionspeed winds
whip and tear
hurricainic sands cut
no light no dark just NOW

Disciple's skin lay silken ribbons
bones but dust, eyes naught
hair but dandelion puffs floating
only one thing left

heart parched, laid bare, open on the
dusty ground, macabre
four-chambered cacophony
deranged bagpipe

then heart wrapped
cloudine sheets
soaked honeywine milkiness
waterfall blessing

loveness notes sing
heart knowing Source
loose binding cords
of Should

true home Source
freedom stability
not salty doctrine
but heart will free

beating to Moment's
cadence Creation
knowing salvation blessing
to Self be true


Love's Prayer Bliss

capture moment
you exist Christ
spirit soars eagleness
pentecostal exuberance

goldwhite essence shineth
flowing gentle breeze caress
saints high and low

selves remain, transfiguring waltz
diamondine radiance
no sun moon
Lux Christi

Trinity's Persons
one deferring other, always loving
three yet
One God eternally Personal

royal blue embrace
fillest Divine
never same
Eden's blooms bursting

rough-and-tuble browngreen earth
Kingdom of fools and misfits
feet planted firmly
Cross too

highways byways
desert a city
fill love's prayer's bliss

Copyright 2010 Yossi Lopez-Hineynu 

Yossi Lopez-Hineynu is an interspiritual hermit and poet living in Chicago.  He plans to matriculate at Starr King School for the Ministry to pursue an M. Div. with the goal of being ordained and serving as a hospice chaplain.  His root practices are Bikram yoga, labyrinth walking, meditation, and those from the Sufi tradition.

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