Oct 28, 2010


Guidelines for Submissions
Poetry, short story, nonfiction, book excerpts, essays, interviews, book reviews, and visual art and media that address interfaith edges, archetypal themes of spiritual passage from any tradition, or the spirituality of relationship with the earth/cosmos are encouraged at this time. All submissions must in someway speak to the spiritual life. They may reflect a religious tradition or not.

The Collective Dreaming Project: For those who submit their dreams to the Project, and who respond to those dreams with visual art, multimedia, or poetry, you are encouraged to submit both the dream and the response to Manifestations. We have designated space in the upcoming issues for The Collective Dreaming Project. We do not guarantee publication. The submission must meet our criteria as a literary journal.

The Multimedia Challenge
Create a youtube video of Hermit John's poem, En las Profundidades de Mi Ser, found in this issue. Your videos will be featured in the next issue of Manifestations.

Submissions for the Odd Sermon
The Odd Sermon is a writer's work in self discovery, a poking fun at his/herself. God sends the odd unexpected audacious and sometimes wacky preacher from within to confront the writer, and the rest of us as well, with a holy unexpected truth. The Odd Sermon is published anonymously to give the writer the latitude needed for such playfulness.

Written interviews must be accompanied by a recorded track the verifies the authenticity of responses within the interview.

Visual Arts
Submissions for visual arts should be made in jpg or png formats. The work must be your own and reflect on a spiritual theme.

Submission Agreement

By submitting any writing you are granting one time online publishing rights to Manifestations, and guaranteeing it is your own work and free from copyright restrictions. Submissions should be sent to bflaherty@ymail.com with Submission to Manifestations in the title box.

Both The Fourth Order and its literary journal, Manifestations, are clothed in the threads of holy poverty. We have no money to offer you, but thank you for the gift of creativity you offer to the world.


  1. This is a wonderful publication. The guidelines are a bit vague and open to interpretation, I notice. I read this issue and see that the mention of God is okay, true? Spirituality comes in many forms. So you are not promoting one form of such spirituality over another. For instance, I am a Christian. Fictional stories are okay to submit? Stories of a person's personal discovery of God?

  2. I searched for a way to submit to you, the email didn't go through. Probably this won't either.

  3. Submissions should be sent to companion@fourthorder.org.
